Council of War Read online

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  "How are things behind us?" asked the elven prince.

  "Very good," announced Mite. "The soldiers are still moving northward in the desert."

  "Then we have a relaxing night ahead of us," smiled Karl Gree. "Let's make a short night of it. I wouldn't mind getting an early start to put more distance between us and the desert."

  "Not until we stuff ourselves with the bounty you have provided," chuckled Max. "I am as hungry as a bear."

  "You are always hungry," quipped Shawn. "Shall I go gather some berries for you?"

  The banter was cut short by the sound of a tiny bell, and the entire camp instantly fell silent. Lyron and Gerant scampered to their posts in the trees, while Max directed the sailors into the forest away from the road. Karl, Prince Rigal, Shawn, and Clint grabbed their bows and faded into the trees in various directions. Everyone waited silently for the enemy to appear. An old man leading a mule walked into the clearing and stared at the burning fire. He scratched his head and turned to look at the large number horses tethered to the trees.

  "Hello the camp," the old man called. "Where is everyone?"

  Karl Gree stowed his bow and walked into the clearing. "Are you alone?"

  "It is just me and my mule," stated the old man. "The name is Fakir Aziz. May I share your camp?"

  Karl Gree frowned, but the old man had already seen the number of horses. To refuse his request would only create more suspicion than anything he would be able to determine from seeing the rest of the group.

  "You are welcome to share our bounty," Karl smiled. "We were afraid that bandits were attacking us."

  "Not many bandits bother with the Aranak Road," Fakir said as he led his mule to the stream. "There is not enough traffic to make thieving profitable."

  Prince Rigal stepped out of the trees and took the reins of the mule. I would be happy to see to your mount," he smiled. "Go get some food. We were just about to start eating."

  Fakir raised an eyebrow at seeing the elf, but he smiled and nodded. He turned and headed back towards the fire as other members of the party emerged from the woods.

  "You have quite a large party," he remarked to Karl. "Perhaps there is not enough to share?"

  "There is plenty," smiled the Knight of Alcea. "My name is Karl Gree. Come, I will introduce you to the others."

  Karl introduced the members of the party, but he conveniently forgot to mention Prince Rigal's title. Fakir nodded and smiled to each member as he was introduced.

  "I don't often see humans and elves traveling together," Fakir mentioned. "Where are you heading?"

  "West," Karl answered ambiguously. "What about you?"

  "I was heading to Tyronia," answered Fakir, "but I think I have changed my mind."

  "Oh?" asked Karl. "Why is that?"

  "Can't get through Sebastian Pass," answered Fakir Aziz.

  "Why can't you get through the pass?" asked Clint.

  "Well," Fakir said slowly, "perhaps I have misspoken. I guess it is possible to get through the pass, but it is not something I want to go through."

  "Could you elaborate?" pressed Karl. "We had intended to go through the pass ourselves. If there is a problem with doing that, I would like to know about it."

  "The Federation Army has the pass sealed off," replied the old man. "From what I have heard, they are interrogating every single person who tries to get through it. If they are skeptical of your papers, they will send a rider out to verify them, and you have to sit there and wait for the rider to return. They don't seem to care if that means that you might end up waiting a month for the rider to get back. I have no desire to spend the rest of my life waiting for the army to do something."

  "Nor do we," frowned Karl. "How long has this been going on?"

  "Just started from what I heard," answered Fakir.

  "How do you plan to get to Tyronia?" asked Max.

  "I heard that there is a boat that travels between Tyronia and Korocca," answered Fakir. "I suppose I will head north from here and catch that boat."

  "I thought it was impossible to get to Korocca?" asked Lyron.

  "Nothing is impossible," shrugged Fakir. "All you have to do is head north through the forest."

  "The Forest of Death?" asked Clint. "I heard that no one passes through that forest."

  "What a gruesome name," replied the old man. "Can you imagine anyone calling some woods the Forest of Death?"

  "Perhaps there is a good reason for the name," Prince Rigal said. "Have you ever been through it before?"

  "Can't say as I have," replied the old man, "but ask me the same question next week, and I will have a different answer."

  "That is quite a risk to take just to avoid the Federation Army," stated Shawn. "Are you a criminal?"

  "Me?" chuckled the old man. "Do I look like a criminal to you? I just happen to know how it is to deal with the army when they have orders to harass people. I will take my chances in the Forest of Death. Besides, I have always wanted to see the birthplace of the Occan horses. They are magnificent animals."

  "Well," said Karl, "we wish you well on your journey. What is your trade, if you don't mind me asking?"

  "I am a tutor, philosopher, and historian," Fakir Aziz said proudly.

  "And you have never heard of people going crazy in the Forest of Death?" Karl asked suspiciously.

  "Oh, I have heard the stories," shrugged the old man, "but I have also heard of people going crazy in the desert, and in Giza, and in other places. I have spent my life in a very secure environment, and now I have realized that I have missed much of what life has to offer. If anything in the Forest of Death can make me go crazy, it is welcome to try. I am not afraid. Going crazy is all in your mind after all."

  Prince Rigal rose and walked away from the fire as the others continued to talk. When he caught the eye of Karl Gree, he waved for him to come away from the fire. Karl rose nonchalantly and joined the elven prince.

  "It sounds as if the old man is trying to lure us into the Forest of Death," whispered Prince Rigal. "I don't trust him."

  "Perhaps," replied Karl. "I will dispatch a fairy to check out Sebastian Pass the first thing in the morning. I am not so sure that the old man is luring us, though. He may already be crazy, or perhaps he has a death wish of some kind. We just don't know enough about him to take his word as truth."

  "We passed a village not an hour before we camped," mused Prince Rigal. "Perhaps we could also check there in the morning to see if they have heard anything about soldiers blocking the pass."

  "The fairy will suffice," stated Karl. "They have never failed us yet. Go out and find the bell the old man set off. Make sure that it is restrung. I don't want any more strangers roaming into the camp."

  Chapter 9

  Trouble Brewing

  The sound of the distant bell was as faint as the turning of a key in a lock, but it was enough to instantly arouse the campsite. Karl Gree, the Rangers, and the elves all bolted upright and scrambled for their weapons. Prince Rigal nudged Chanz with his foot while he held a finger to his lips. Captain Gomery's mate looked up with sleepy eyes and saw the elven prince give the signal for danger. He promptly woke the other sailors, and Max Caber led them into the forest. The other members of the team split up and prepared for battle. Only after he was in position did Karl notice that the old man's mule was gone, as was Fakir Aziz.

  Karl woke Peanut and softly whispered to the fairy. Peanut darted into the air and wove his way through the trees to the main road. There he saw the old man slowly leading his mule along the road. Following Karl's instructions, the fairy backtracked along the narrow trail until he found the bell that had been disturbed. He flew back to the campsite and informed the Knight of Alcea. Karl whistled a signal and everyone returned into the clearing.

  "It was Fakir Aziz," Karl announced. "I guess he did not learn his lesson after his arrival here last night. He tripped up another bell."

  "How was he to know?" asked Chanz. "I didn't know what the bells were the first tim

  "Surely, he heard it," replied Shawn.

  "I wouldn't be too sure of that," commented Lyron. "I don't think the old man's hearing is as good as it used to be. I bet he didn't even know that he was waking the whole camp."

  "His hearing may not be any good," remarked Prince Rigal, "but his stealth is superb. None of us even heard him leaving the camp. He must have been up and about for some time to get his mule packed and saddled."

  "Now that we are awake," Karl said, "let's get the morning meal underway. We will be leaving as soon as Peanut returns from the Sebastian Pass."

  The Alceans moved into action slowly, but efficiently. Karl looked at the fairy on his shoulder.

  "You do remember what I told you last night?" inquired Karl.

  "Fairies never forget," boasted Peanut. "I am to investigate the soldiers at the pass and see if it is safe for us to proceed there."

  "Then get to it," smiled Karl.

  "Am I still here?" quipped the fairy as he leaped into the air.

  Karl laughed as the adventurous fairy darted out of sight. Within minutes the fire was roaring, and the Alceans gathered around for a morning meal of venison and tea. A while later, the first rays of the sun started tinting the sky, and Karl felt a fairy land on his shoulder.

  "That was quick, Peanut," he said as he turned to stare at a blue fairy.

  "Peanut?" balked Button. "Do I look like Peanut? Perhaps I should mistake you for a big, hairy ogre."

  Karl laughed heartily and inclined his head in an apology. "It just goes to show that one should never expect fairies to be predictable. I sent Peanut on a secret mission to Sebastian Pass a while ago. I am waiting for him to return. What news do you bring, Button?"

  "Garth warns that twenty thousand soldiers have been sent to comb Kyber Woods," answered Button. "He urges you to make haste for the pass and avoid the soldiers."

  "That is easier said than done," frowned the Knight of Alcea. "A visitor last night brought us some disturbing news. Fakir said that Sebastian Pass is closed unless everyone's papers are validated. Seeing as we do not have any papers, it makes getting through the pass almost impossible."

  "Fakir?" Button frowned suspiciously. "Fakir Aziz?"

  "You know him?" Karl asked in surprise.

  "He followed Natia and Tedi out of Giza," stated the tiny blue woman, "and he stayed in the camp the next day while they waited for the others. I don't think anyone trusts him."

  "Interesting," mused Karl Gree. "We also were suspicious of him, but he did nothing that caused alarm, other than setting off the trip line a couple of times."

  "He did that at our campground as well," shared Button, "but he did not even seem to be aware that he had done so. Natia was also concerned that the old man was inspecting our weapons. Perhaps your people should check their weapons."

  A green fairy soared out of the trees like an arrow streaming towards a target. With an aerobatic flip, Peanut landed alongside Button, and he immediately wrapped his arm around her waist.

  "Ah," grinned Peanut, "this must be my prize for concluding a speedy mission."

  "In your dreams," retorted Button.

  "Yes, there, too," Peanut said romantically.

  Karl laughed and shook his head. He never tired of the antics of the little people, but his laughter died as quickly as it began.

  "I believe the conclusion of a mission includes a report," he said seriously.

  "Oh," Peanut replied as he dropped his arm from Button's waist and stiffened to attention. "The old man is correct," he reported. "There are thousands of soldiers in Sebastian Pass, and there is a long line of people waiting to get through. That line extends down the Kyber Road for over a league, but the soldiers do not seem to care. No exceptions are being made, and some merchants are turning around to return to Zinbar rather than letting their cargo spoil."

  "There is no good news in what the two of you bring me this morning," sighed Karl.

  "Perhaps the old man had the right of it after all," commented Max Caber. "There is nowhere else for us to go other than directly north."

  "So it would seem," nodded Karl. "Button, return to Garth and tell him that we are going to turn to the north and head through the Forest of Death towards Korocca. We will try to catch a boat to Tyronia from there."

  "Your message will be delivered before the sun sets," promised the blue fairy before she leaped into the air and disappeared among the trees.

  "Peanut," ordered Karl, "find us a way to get across the Aranak River. We are leaving as soon as you return."

  * * *

  The Federation Highway started sloping upwards before the walls of Farmin came into view. The trees of the Dark Forest, previously only visible on the horizon beyond the Aertan fields of grain and vegetables, now reached the edge of the road.

  "Ertak has only a little more than ten leagues of seacoast," explained Morro, "but they have still managed to host a viable port city. It is a most unusual city in many respects, but I will leave you to discover it on your own. We will bypass the northern gates and enter the city through the western gates."

  "Why?" asked Garth.

  "The north and south gates are always manned," answered the elven thief. "The west gates enter the slums of Farmin, and they are seldom manned. Mind you, if Kalina destroys something important, they will seal the city just as well as Giza, but I have made it my practice to keep my comings and goings unnoticed whenever possible. Besides," he added with a grin, "this will give you an opportunity to experience the essence of Ertak."

  "I'm not sure that I want to know what that means," chuckled Natia.

  "Just remember not to eat in the poor section of town," warned Morro. "You will get sick if you do."

  When the walls of the city did come into view, Garth was quite impressed with the size of the city. The road forked a ways before the northern gates with the main road going through the city. The group took the lesser road, which curved westward around the city. Halfway along the bypass, Morro led the group through the western gates. They were immediately assailed with the stench of Farmin, but that was far from the worst the slums had to offer. Garth stared incredulously at the scarecrow-like figures moving along the streets. Many of the people were in various stages of nudity, not by choice, but rather from the rips and tears of their threadbare garments. The citizens were emaciated. Their ribs stood out, creating harsh furrows across their flesh, and their eyes were sunken. Open sores marred most bodies, and Garth felt his stomach churn with sympathy for the people.

  "How could any ruler accept such conditions in his kingdom?" scowled the Knight of Alcea. "I have been to every major city in Alcea, and even during the worst of the Great War, no people were ever forced to live like this."

  The condition of the buildings of the slums was not much better than that of the people. Shacks were built with anything that one could find, and all of them appeared likely to blow away in a stiff wind. Garth curled his hands into fists and clenched his teeth.

  "There is only one way to help these people," Kalina said softly, "and it is not the way that you are thinking about right now. Calm yourself."

  Garth turned and glared at Kalina, but slowly the tension eased from his face. He took a deep breath and brought his emotions under control. Morro watched all of this with curiosity.

  "I will get you through this section of the city quickly," the elven thief said suddenly as he moved out in front of the others. "Follow me."

  Morro picked up the pace and led the group on a path that weaved its way through the mad warren of dead-end streets. Eventually they reached an area of the city that was poor, but somewhat maintained. That area soon gave way to the commercial establishments that lined the main fork of the Federal Highway. They crossed over the Federal highway and continued eastward. A few blocks later, they entered an area of stately homes. This area was as large as the slums and continued on for many blocks. The final section of town was the old resort area. Palatial estates lined a wide boulevard, and elega
nt carriages moved about at a leisurely pace. Morro turned right onto the boulevard.

  "This is the old resort section," announced the thief. "Anybody who is anyone has a home along this street. It runs for over a league in each direction."

  "Where are we going?" asked Tedi.

  "The Bluff House Inn," answered Morro. "It is the finest inn in Ertak, and it is right next to the Royal Palace. It has a magnificent view of the sea."

  "I thought this was also a fishing village?" questioned Natia.

  "It is," replied Morro, "and a major port on the Sea of Tears. You can't see that section of the city without entering one of the buildings on our left or using one of the six ramps leading down to the shoreline. Farmin is actually two cities. The main city is up here on the bluff, but far below us is where the maritime activities occur. You will see what I mean when we get our rooms. That is the Royal Palace coming up on our left."

  The palace was a large white building with a metal fence around it. The structure rose four stories up from the street and occupied enough land to displace a dozen of the other palatial homes. Guards manned the gates, and roving patrols could be seen marching around the grounds. Garth found himself studying the security of the palace until Kalina gently touched his arm. Just beyond the Royal Palace was the Bluff House Inn. Unlike most inns, the Bluff House had its stables on the side of the building instead of in the rear, and they were shielded from view by tall walls. Morro led the group through the tall archway of the always-open gates and around the side of the building to the stables. A staff of uniformed stable hands immediately greeted them and took care of the horses. Morro led the way into the inn, and Garth asked for three rooms. Morro spoke up and added that the rooms should have a sea view and the clerk nodded.

  Garth's suite was as lavish as any he had seen in Zara. Kalina immediately led Garth onto the balcony to see the view. Far below were the docks of the city, and boats dotted the harbor. The view of the sea was breathtaking, and Garth inhaled deeply, catching the scent of the sea.